Service Order Details
Customer: JOSE DESA
Phone: 647-998-5324
Province : Ontario
City : Mississauga

Tag Number : MED-1006189

Date : 2024-09-29 23:24:14

Order Taken By : Khawer
Repaired By :
Product Detail
Item: A1419
Serial Number / IMEI:
In Warranty: No
Accessories Supplied:
Type Of Service: Regular
Problem Detail: SSD 512 AN OS INSTALLATION $165+100 =$265, ALSO TRANSFER PHOTOS AND DATA @NO EXTRA COST.... Khawer Password=Brazuka67 Oct. 10 at 12:24 pm called to inform cx that you have lot of dust, recommended cleaning, regular price is $100, special $45 .... Khawer Oct. 10 at 5:05 pm called to inform cx that you have lot of dust, and I called u to inform that it need cleaning, but no answer, so did cleaning so we will just charge you $35 extra, in total $300............ Khawer
Service Order Description: