Service Order Details
Customer: Ahmed Vanker
Phone: 647-787-4884
Province : Ontario
City : Mississauga

Tag Number : MED-1005835

Date : 2024-09-29 23:24:33

Order Taken By : Khawer
Repaired By :
Product Detail
Item: 13-4005DX
Serial Number / IMEI:
In Warranty: No
Accessories Supplied: NO ADAPTER
Type Of Service: Regular
Problem Detail: dead, according to cx, we fixed thisd laptop about a year ago.... Khawer Aug. 26 at 7:00pm cx called for update, informed him that Technician checked and found problem in the board, he was asking for estimated cost, told him it will be less then $200.......... Khawer August 27th 2020 2:45 PM :::: Talked to the CX. & told him that there is short on the main motherboard & told him NOT TO USE THE OLD Charger as that might have caused the notebook to get shorted. Est. given $225 which he approved & he is going to buy an original charger from us too. Kindly consider a discount if possible. ESTIMATE APPROVED.. .MF August 29th 2020 2:45 PM :::: Replaced the power management MOSFET & the power caps. All works fine. Tested ok. Please inform CX. to purchase a New AC charger as the old one might be defective. READY FOR PICKUP.......... MF Aug. 29 at 6:05 informed cx ur Laptop is ready, u also need adapter, we are still testing it, if u need urgent I can get it otherwise it will be in store tomorrow evening, he said tomorrow will be OK............. Khawer Oct. 10 at 5:12 pm customer came back with charging issue, told him we fixed the motherboard where as this is charging issue, we will check and call you ........ Khawer
Service Order Description: