Service Order Details
Customer: DAVID
Phone: 647-448-0784
Province : Ontario
City : Mississauga

Tag Number : MED-1005582

Date : 2025-01-09 19:27:53

Order Taken By : Khawer
Repaired By :
Product Detail
Item: A1419
Serial Number / IMEI:
In Warranty: No
Accessories Supplied:
Type Of Service: Regular
Problem Detail: SSD INSTALLATION AND ALL INFORMATIONS July 25 at 3:42pm informed cx that it will cost u $250 and will be ready by Tuesday, will try my level best to give you Monday evening, but no promise.............. Khawer July 27th 2020 2:45 PM :::: Install the Samsung SSD 1TB that the CX. had given us. Tried to restore the backup but during booting it was freezing as the Volume label ( MacBook Pro) was different for the this iMac., this is one of the reasons it was just freezing. Loaded Catalina & told the CX. about the backup to use a HDD Caddy to transfer data from the his old HDD which is returned back to him. Send photos to CX. of the SSD installed in iMac. (Password: david ). All works fine. READY FOR PICKUP.......... MF
Service Order Description: