Customer: KETAN DESAI Phone: 416-721-5305 |
Province : Ontario City : Mississauga |
Tag Number : MED-1005575 |
Date : 2025-01-09 19:26:52 |
Order Taken By : | Khawer |
Repaired By : | |
Product Detail | |
Serial Number / IMEI: | |
In Warranty: | No |
Accessories Supplied: | |
Type Of Service: | Regular |
Problem Detail: | ASSEMBLED BY CUSTOMER, ACCORDING TO CUSTOMER, HIS SON ASSEMBLE IT, IT WORKS FOR A WHILE, NOW IT IS NOT TURNING ON, CHECK AND FIX, $50 ARE MINIMUM CHARGES............... KHAWER JULY 25 AT 6:33PM INFORMED CX UR MB IS SHORT, I will send it to workshop tomorrow, and will update you on Monday.......... Khawer July 29th 2020 2:45 PM :::: Texted the CX. to call back as the motherboard is totally dead, & he has to claim it under warranty. We cannot do much in this situation... Again he called me & told me that he would get a new motherboard by himself & drop it at the store tomorrow. Please receive the motherboard & send it to the workshop ASAP. Thanks.... MF August 1st 2020 1:45 PM :::: Re-assembled the whole computer to normal. All works fine. tested ok. NO WiFi card, pls. sell a WiFi USB or a card to him. READY FOR PICKUP.......... MF |
Service Order Description: |