Service Order Details
Customer: ANU PAL
Phone: 647-939-2561
Province : Ontario
City : Mississauga

Tag Number : MED-1005436

Date : 2020-07-15 09:57:04

Order Taken By : Khawer
Repaired By :
Product Detail
Item: unknown
Serial Number / IMEI:
In Warranty: No
Accessories Supplied:
Type Of Service: Regular
Problem Detail: power board, $125 pre-approved.... Khawer July 8 at 6:40pm informed cx that it is not powerboard it has issue in the main board and will try to fix tomorrow,... Khawer July 9th 2020 2:45 PM :::: Talked to the CX. wife & told her that there is a problem with the main motherbaord & the BIOS has to be reprogrammed. For the entire repair it will cost $185. She told me that she will let me know in 10 min. ...... MF July 9th 2020 5:05 PM :::: CX. does not want to repair the notebook anymore as she says it too old .. She will instead purchase a HDD SATA USB Caddy to install her HDD & retrieve her data. NO REPAIR WORK DONE.... She requested me to remove the HDD & paste it on the Notebook & ask me for a TRADE-IN Valued. I offered her $60 as only the LCD seem to be good.... ESTIMATE REFUSED. READY FOR PICKUP.. HDD Pasted to the notebook.......... MF 90 DAYS WARRANTY FOR NEXUS HARD DRIVE CADY ONLY .... KHAWER
Service Order Description: