Customer: ADAM RINALDI Phone: 647-886-9335 |
Province : Ontario City : Mississauga |
Tag Number : MED-1004192 |
Date : 2025-01-09 19:29:33 |
Order Taken By : | Khawer |
Repaired By : | |
Product Detail | |
Item: | CUH-1001A |
Serial Number / IMEI: | |
In Warranty: | No |
Accessories Supplied: | POWER CABLE |
Type Of Service: | Regular |
Problem Detail: | AFTER THE SYSTEM, IT IS NOT WORKING, STRUCK ON UPDATE, , $100 PRE-APPROVED, IF MORE CALL CUSTOMER, KHAWER December 31st 2019 2:25PM :::: Talked to Adam & I told him that this Sony PS4 has been jail broken, EEPROM has been changed some how this is why updates are not possible. He should call Sony & ask them why is this happening, they would honor this type of repairs FREE OF COST if they released an update the CX. is having problem in downloading the latest firmware. Please return back as is... MF NO CHARGES!!! |
Service Order Description: |