Service Order Details
Phone: 437-217-5148
Province : Ontario
City : Mississauga

Tag Number : MED-1003981

Date : 2020-03-20 19:39:34

Order Taken By : Shailinder Sharma
Repaired By :
Product Detail
Item: A1466
Serial Number / IMEI:
In Warranty: No
Accessories Supplied:
Type Of Service: Regular
Problem Detail: WATER DAMAGE, CHECK AND CALL CUSTOMER November 25th 2019 2:25PM :::: The logic board has a lot of liquid spil & I talked to the CX. & I told him that ultra sonic cleaning will cost him $265 due to extensive liquid spill & if the logic board has to be replaced it will cost him for $400 ~ $500 ... He agreed on both the situations but after ultra sonic cleaning if cannot repair then give him a call again to confirm that the logic board has to be replaced.... MF November 30th 2019 2:25PM :::: Talked to the CX. & told him that due to the intensive liquid spill his logic board is all corroded & the underneath pads are also corroded which make the repair impossible., cannot be repaired further... Quoted him for a new logic board which will cost him $485 + Taxes. He said he would talk to Shalinder & tell him what to do & how to proceed with the repairs.... MF November 30th 2019 2:25PM :::: Daljeet has given us to delete his Password. So when he receives his notebook., he will get it without the Password.... MF December 3rd 2019 6:00PM :::: Serializer Software ordered. Pls. allow 10~15 days for the part to come in. December 4th 2019 5:30PM :::: Serializer sofware arranged, completed the whole repairs. Repaired a donor logic board as the CX logic board was all liquid damaged & not repairable. CX is Shalinder's friend, we had to safe him money. Repaired the donor board (1.8GHz , 8MB Ram) better than the pervious logic board of his. All works fine. Pls. charge $385 + Taxes . ..... READY FOR PICKUP..... MF..called the client that your macbook is ready to pickup..2:11pm..5dec..kajal
Service Order Description: