Customer: ATHER ALI Phone: 437-771-6574 |
Province : Ontario City : Mississauga |
Tag Number : MED-1003933 |
Date : 2024-09-29 23:44:04 |
Order Taken By : | Khawer |
Repaired By : | |
Product Detail | |
Item: | A1395 |
Serial Number / IMEI: | |
In Warranty: | No |
Accessories Supplied: | |
Type Of Service: | Regular |
Problem Detail: | BATTERY AND DIGITIZER $95 +10 = $105 + TEMP. GLASS = $130, case $25 +sim card +1 month $40 = $195 2 cables $30=$225. Nov. 23 at 10:52 am called cx to inform that iPad is ready, he did not answer the phone............. Khawer Nov. 23 at 10:57 am text msg that ipad is ready/fixed, internet is working............. Khawer nOV. 23 TEXT MSG THAT BY MISTAKE MUSTAFA CHARGED $150 WHERE AS REGULAR PRICE WAS $225... KHAWER |
Service Order Description: |