Customer: Julianne Bustos Phone: 647-863-8398 |
Province : Ontario City : Mississauga |
Tag Number : MED-1003662 |
Date : 2025-01-09 19:25:55 |
Order Taken By : | kajal |
Repaired By : | |
Product Detail | |
Item: | A1466 |
Serial Number / IMEI: | |
In Warranty: | No |
Accessories Supplied: | |
Type Of Service: | Regular |
Problem Detail: | $150 pre-approved for ultrasonic cleaning, if fixable without any part, if we need to replace any part, we have to call customer, if customer refused estimate $75 will be minimum charges, spoke to customer over the phone .... Khawer October 16th 2019 6:52PM :::: Phoned the CX. to inform her that there is a lot of spillage on the logic board & to repair with parts will cost her $245 & due to the spillage there is no guarantee that we will be able to repair, or than the whole LOGIC Board has to be replaced which will cost her $375. No one to answer the call. October 17th 2019 3:25PM :::: CX. approved for Microscopic ultra Sonic cleaning $225 & if cannot be repaired then the main logic board has to be ordered but before that we have to inform the CX. ... MF October 24th 2019 2:25PM :::: Texted the CX. that the part has been ordered today. Pls. allow 15~20 days for the part to come in... MF November 20th 2019 2:25PM :::: The CX. sold this notebook of her to us AS IS ( Motherboard & Keyboard defective & maybe other parts might be defective too) as the repair was takeing to long & was costly. The Offer where we agreed is $150 CAD. Please write a cheque to her of $150. .. CX informed me that Dino Furioni will be picking up the cash or cheque on the behalf of Julainne, pls. give the payment to him ..... MF |
Service Order Description: |