Customer: Michelle Thompson Phone: 416-845-4438 |
Province : Ontario City : Mississauga |
Tag Number : MED-1002126 |
Date : 2020-04-02 05:21:27 |
Order Taken By : | HASSAAN |
Repaired By : | |
Product Detail | |
Item: | iPhone 8 |
Serial Number / IMEI: | |
In Warranty: | No |
Accessories Supplied: | |
Type Of Service: | Regular |
Problem Detail: | screen replacement $150 NEEDS BATTERY APPROVED TOTAL $250 MAY 27 CONFIRMED BY SAQIB, HE WILL FIX BY TOMORROW... KHAWER Aug. 27 cx came to pickup phone but we were busy...... Khawer Aug. 28 we have it is fixed and we called but customer no we have is wrong....... Khawer Sept. 17 at 9:40am cx called for update, called back after few minutes and informed her it is ready, she was asking about price told her $250....she want discount, told her to come and I will give you discount.... Khawer Oct. 25 at 10:31am called no room for record msg, phone is ready for pickup.... Khawer |
Service Order Description: |