Service Order Details
Customer: Kathleen Ecet
Phone: 647-962-9969
Province : Ontario
City : Mississauga

Tag Number : MED-1001063

Date : 2024-11-17 17:58:59

Order Taken By :
Repaired By :
Product Detail
Item: A1278
Serial Number / IMEI:
In Warranty: No
Accessories Supplied:
Type Of Service: Regular
Problem Detail: Computer not booting up, $250 pre-approved. OCT. 1ST, INFORM CX WAITING FOR PART, MOST PROBABLY WILL BE READY BY WEDNESDAY..... KHAWER OCT. 3RD AT 1:14PM RECORDED MSG THAT WE NEED THE PASSWORD TO TEST THE MACBOOK.................... KHAWER Oct. 6 at 2:31pm cx called and told her that we recorded msg that we need password to test it, she will come today or tomorrow to put the password...... Khawer Oct, 20 at 10:00am recorded msg that ur MacBook Pro is fixed.............. Khawer October 20 customer picked up at 6:02pm .................. Khawer... She did not pay any thing. .... Khawer Oct 9:40am, recorded msg that please come abd pay the money which you did not pay... Khawer NOV. 6:2PM INFORMED CX THAT WE ARE STILL WAITING FOR PAYMENT, OTHERWISE WE WILL REPORT TO POLICE... SHAILINDER.
Service Order Description: