Service Order Details
Customer: Sairi
Phone: 905-706-8888
Province : Ontario
City : Mississauga

Tag Number : MED-10010441

Date : 2023-11-27 23:46:23

Order Taken By :
Repaired By :
Product Detail
Item: Triton 300 Serie
Serial Number / IMEI:
In Warranty: No
Accessories Supplied:
Type Of Service: Regular
Problem Detail: not turnung on,check and call customer for estimate November 11th 2022 4:28 PM ::: Tried to get in touch with the CX.. but no answer. Kindly est. CX. $945 (All inclusive) for the motherboard replacement. These are costly gaming motherboard. The GPU is 100% shorted & whole motherboard shorted. this verison GPU is not available so whole motherboard has to be replaced. Please inform CX. I will be returning this Laptop back to the store as I do think that CX. will not approve the Estimate. If approved, pls. get it back. READY FOR PICKUP FROM BRAMPTON.... MF Nov. 24 at 12:34 pm recorded msg that ur Laptop MB is bad and it is very costly, we have same kind of Laptop with same gen. only difference is CPU we have is Intel i5, yours one is Intel i7, pls call back to discuss., we can transfer all info...... Khawer
Service Order Description: